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    The RCB blog has been created to share views, thoughts and opinions on education, research, training and events happening at and pertinent to RCB. All RCB members are invited to contribute to the blog by writing articles, sharing recent activities and posting comments. You can send your entries to blog@rcb.res.in

    RCB's first PhD student successfully defended Viva Voce - February 2017

Purification of exosome-enriched proteins produced in a Drosophila cell line by size exclusion chromatography

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Exosomes are a class of extracellular vesicles that play a role in intercellular signaling under diverse contexts. Here we describe a protocol that has been optimized for the isolation and characterization of exosomes from a Drosophila melanogaster cell line using size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The specific focus of this protocol was to examine the starvation-induced […]

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Dietary alpha-ketoglutarate inhibits SARS CoV-2 infection and rescues inflamed lungs to restore O2 saturation by inhibiting pAkt

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Agarwal S, Kaur S et al. suggested a therapeutic approach against COVID-19. They described that an elevated inflammation, thrombosis and apoptotic tissue damage in the lungs causes hypoxemia leading to a decreased oxygen pressure saturation (SpO2) in circulation of SARS CoV-2 infected animals. Alpha-ketoglutarate (αKG) supplementation rescues the inflamed lungs to restore normal SpO2 by […]

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Actin-driven host nuclear migration facilitates powdery mildew infection in pea

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The position of the nucleus within a cell is highly dynamic and changes frequently in response to internal and external stimuli. Proper nuclear positioning within a cell determines cell behaviour and fate and is regulated by the cytoskeleton which serves as a track along which this organelle moves. Movement of the plant cell nucleus towards […]

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Novel strategy to reduce herbicide residue in grains by stacking detoxification and resistance genes

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Weeds are the major concern in crop production, thus affecting the world economy and food security. Developing glyphosate-resistant (GR) transgenic crops has revolutionized weed management practices and significantly benefited crop production. However, the major concern is that glyphosate accumulates in the plant tissues and affects physiological functions, crop yield, and quality. Cytotoxic effects of glyphosate […]

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Deciphering the substrate specificity of housekeeping and pilus-specific sortases from probiotic Lactococcus lactis

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Sortases are cysteine transpeptidase enzymes that decorate the Gram-positive bacterial cell wall with various surface proteins and pili to facilitate the interactions with the host and environment for the colonization. While the sortases and sortase anchored proteins from Gram-positive pathogens have been the prime focus of the research in the past, sortases from many non-pathogenic bacteria, including […]

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